FRIED cassava is BREAKFUL Padang Sidempuan
Fried chicken is a timeless dish, it's always delicious. Also, how to make fried cassava is very simple, the only ingredients are garlic and coriander. First, dry the dough until it is soft. Then, plunge the cut into ice-cold water so that it crackles and is fried.
The way to do this is very simple, but the requirements are only about six things. Like ice, ice water, garlic powder, salt and soup. You have to start by choosing the cassava to add some ingredients if you want the cassava to be well-ripened and cooked well.
For more information, see details below. Just follow the steps below.
- 1 kg good cassava, peeled, washed and cut into pieces to taste
- Finely chop 5 garlic cloves and coriander to taste
- Salt to taste
- Cold water from the refrigerator is enough to cool the cans
- frying oil
- Steam the cassava until soft for about 25 minutes, but it also depends on the size
- Transfer the ingredients to be placed in ice water, then add salt, coriander and finely chopped garlic, taste if it is good, put the mold in hot and cold water, let the mold stand until it exploded on its own.
- Then drain, and brown until the color is good
- Lifting, soft and smooth operation
Good luck, hope it helps
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